Weaverville Fire Department Support Services


May 4, 2016 1730


Call to Order/ Welcome new members:  Meeting called to order at 1732. Members present: Serena, Terri, Mike, Briana, and Lisa.  Guest, Sue Seiler

Approve minutes April 6th meeting: M/S/C McBrayer/Brown to approve minutes as submitted

Officers Report:

A.     President: Items missing from freezer, possibly the intruder we took care of. Newsletter update-Social Media is best option; Mike to make a special members-only FB page.

B.     Treasure’s Report:$257.00 spent on ads for Mother’s Day Roses

C.     Logistics: No report.

Action Items:

A.     Mother’s Day May 8th: Assembling roses on May 6th if anyone is available to help.  Firefighters will deliver and sell in front of Ace if not sold out.

B.     Children’s Festival May 14th Larry Brown and Sam are the only two signed up right now.

C.     Lunch served for Haz-Mat training May 26th. WFD will be hosting the SCHMRT team for a drill on this date.  We would like to make lunch for the team members.  All interested members please advise Scott.  Possibly do a spaghetti dinner?

D.     TCBOS presentation May 17th – TCBOS will be presenting Scott with a Resolution, if you can make it, please come.

E.     July 4th pancake breakfast and open house – Sign-up sheets passed around for both events.  Short discussion on activities throughout the day.  Serena and Larry will do the shopping for the lunch and prep it at Stagecoach.

Committee Reports:

A.     EMS Support: Larry H. – Needs to go through 2103.  Gave list to Chief regarding needs.

B.     Station Maintenance: No report

C.     Equipment Maintenance: No report

D.     Web Technology: No report

E.     Marketing: Betty passed out Mother’s Day rose flyers.

Open Forum and Topics for next meeting:  Lisa gone next week, programs going on: Sunday – finish selling roses in front of Ace, Monday – After School Program show and tell, Saturday – Children’s Festival

Adjourn at 1801 hrs.